Salween Watch – Multimedia
Hydropower on the Nu (Salween) River
An interesting new video from China’s Green Beat ,  based in Beijing, explores the plans to build 13 dams on the Salween in China, the Nu River. The Nu is one of the most biodiverse regions of China.  Although Wen Jiabao put a stop to the projects in 2004 after a public outcry, preparations for construction have begun on at least one of the dams at Liuku. The video asks if there is another way for this region to develop and use hydropower for its electricity needs without building dams which harm the natural and social environment. The video looks at sustainable alternatives that already exist in Yunnan, including small hydro schemes.


New Video: Damning the Yin Ta Lai


This 13-minute film provides a rare glimpse into the remote heart of Karenni State in eastern Burma and the life of the Yin Ta Lai, of whom only 1,000 remain. Footage depicts a unique cultural heritage and the biodiversity of deep rain forests which will be lost if the Salween dams are built. The film also includes interviews from the residents near Mobye Dam reservoir who had to flee and still have not received electricity. Released in May 2008.

To Watch video in: English| Burmese |Chinese |Thai

To order the film, please contact
To read a backgrounder on the film, click here: English | Burmese | Thai


Music Video: So Long as the Salween Flows
A 4-minute music video protesting the dams on the Salween. Produced in 2006.

To watch video in Youtube click here

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