Burma Rivers Network (BRN)
About BRN
In recent years Chinese companies have been involved in the construction or planning of over twenty large dams on the Irrawaddy, Salween, and Sittaung rivers or their tributaries in Burma.

Dams planned for the Salween, the Irrawaddy and its tributaries alone have a combined capacity of over 30,000 MW representing an investment of at least US$30 billion. The majority of power produced will be for export to neighboring countries even though Burma is facing an energy crisis.

The sale of electricity from these dams will provide significant long-term income to the military regime. The military spends 40% of its budget on defense and under 5% on health and education.

Burma Rivers Network is comprised of representatives of different ethnic organizations from potential dam affected communities in Burma. Our mission is to protect the health of river ecosystems and sustain biodiversity, rights and livelihoods of communities.


Contact BRN: burmariversnetwork@gmail.com


Khoe Kay: Biodiversity in Peril

The Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) is excited to complete the first biodiversity survey on the Salween river. Khoe Kay: Biodiversity in Peril (Wanida Press) recounts the history, methods and results of more than 3 months of surveys on this bend in the Salween in Karen State, Burma. The researches found 194 plant species and 200 animals, including 42 endangered species, indicating that the area still holds significant biodiversity, but is subject to outside threats. The main threats facing the Salween basin are from proposed dams, and Khoe Kay is located at the Wei Gyi dam site. The report follows the work of the World Commission on Dams to predict several serious impacts, including fisheries, forests, greenhouse gas emissions, and cumulative impacts from a cascade of dams. Finally, KESAN invites the academic and research communities to undertake further cooperative research into the Salween River ecosystems.To download: English






New Report: Drowning the Green Ghosts of Kayanland
This short report describes the current and projected impacts of the Upper Paunglaung Dam on the Kayan people, including displacement, increased abuses by the Burma Army, and loss of livelihoods. The dam, slated for completion in 2009, will generate electricity for Nay Pyi Taw, the military regime’s isolated new capital. Published in June 2008.

To download: English | Burmese
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